Student Media
Honoring Student Media's Class of 2022

Honoring Student Media's Class of 2022

Hover over or tap each grad's image to reveal their "Best Student Media Moment"!

Casey Duke

Business Management

Years Involved: 3

"I have enjoyed my last few years of being involved with Student Media! I am thankful for the opportunity to use my passion for photography to work on many projects as a part of the Communication Team. I will miss the staff and students that have helped me grow and succeed!"

Communication Team

Jayla Brown

Communication (Journalism)

Years Involved: 3

"Almost reaching $10,000 in ad revenue for Freshman Focus in Spring 2020 before GMU went virtual."

Sales Team & Mason Votes

Jihoon Park

MFA Creative Writing

Years Involved: 3

"Free t-shirt & shotglass!"

Layout & Design Editor, Phoebe

Lianna Brown

Government & Int'l Politics

Years Involved: 2

"My best Student Media Moment was being elected Editor-in-Chief of The Fourth Estate! I was so excited to be in the role!"

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Fourth Estate

Kayla Walker

Foreign Language (Korean)

Years Involved: 1

"I really enjoyed being able to interact with the other teams at Student Media!"

Communication Team

Nathan Ridings

Films & Video Studies

Years Involved: 3

"Recently served as the technical director for 6 of the A10 softball championships. It was the most complex technical set up we’ve had so far, and it definitely felt like the culmination of all I’ve learned with sports broadcasting."

Technical Director & Sr. Camera Operator, Sports Broadcasting

Sofia Ferrufino

Art & Visual Technology

Years Involved: 1

"My best Student Media moment was when I helped create the first Volition magazine I worked on in Fall 2021. It was an honor to work on such a great publication to help students have their work published in that magazine and it was amazing to contribute to our Mason Community with my skills! "

Graphic Design Director, Volition

Thomas Ozio


Years Involved: 1.5

"My best Student Media moment was the first time I got to perform a live on-air radio show on WGMU. It was an exciting, nerve racking, and humbling experience."

Productions Director, WGMU Radio

Collin Cope


Years Involved: 4

"Working with student writers to publish their perspectives in the opinion section."

Opinion Editor, Fourth Estate

Leah Sumrall

MFA Creative Writing (Fiction)

Years Involved: 3

"Definitely getting a personalized Twitter shout out from Matt Bell after reviewing his new book for the Phoebe blog!"

Blog Editor, Phoebe

Kevin Binder

MFA Creative Writing

Years Involved: 3

"Seeing issue 51.1 of phoebe come together. I really thought that was my favorite issue of all the ones I've been here for. It was really cool seeing all those pieces come together, and I was really happy to be a part of it!"

Fiction Editor, Phoebe

Jack Dunne


Years Involved:

Quote Coming Soon!

Production Manager, Mason Cable Network

Kate Keeney

MFA Creative Writing

Years Involved: 2

"Every time a new journal issue launched! It is always so exciting to see the months of work form myself, my teammates, and our contributors coalesce into something we can share with the world!"

Social Media & Webmaster, Phoebe and Poetry Editor, So to Speak

Amanda Ganus

MFA Creative Writing

Years Involved: 3

"The best moment was seeing the first print issue I worked on finished and in my hand. It was a great feeling of accomplishment!"

Editor-in-Chief, So to Speak

Collin Telesz

Sport Management

Years Involved: 4

"A10 Track & Field Championship Broadcasts!"

Assistant Broadcast Director, Sports Broadcasting

Macayla Smith

English Lit. & Theatre Studies

Years Involved: 5

"I always loved going to Volition's Open Mic Nights and seeing people perform!" 🙂

Art & Photography Editor, Volition

Timothy Johnson

MFA Creative Writing

Years Involved: 3

"What really sticks with me are all of the smiling faces. It's cliche, but it's true... All of the happy and joyful moments that have nothing to do with the work and everything to do with the people I had the good fortune of spending time with. I'll treasure the issues of phoebe I contributed to, but I'll remember all of my friends' warmth and kindness."

Editor-in-Chief, Phoebe

Olivia Whitehouse


Years Involved: 4

"Getting to go out and film packages for MCN's weekly news show! "

General Manager, Mason Cable Network

Louisa Whittingham

Sport Management

Years Involved: 1

Camera Operator & Technical Director, Sports Broadcasting

"Having front row seats to all the mason sporting events as apart of the sports broadcasting team!"

Joaquin Jimenez Calderon

Communication (Journalism)

Years Involved: .5

Anchor & Field Reporter, Mason Cable Network

"Sharing laughs and spending good quality time with the MCN crew while preparing to shoot for the MCN live show on Thursdays!"

Maggie Roth


Years Involved: 3

Culture Editor, Fourth Estate

"Coming back to campus and getting to report on art, theater, and music performances in-person again!"

Elliot Phillips

Public Administration

Years Involved: .5

Production Assistant, Mason Cable Network

"Helping with the International Week live stream!"

Samantha Gibbs

Communication (Journalism)

Years Involved: 2.5

Co-Editor-in-Chief, Fourth Estate

"Learning from my peers each week!"

Simonne Francis

Blog Editor, So to Speak

Shabrayle Setliff

Nonfiction Editor, So to Speak

Lena Crown

Nonfiction Editor, Phoebe

Christian Stanzione

Poetry Editor, Phoebe

Aisha Ibrahim

Peer Reviewer, The George Mason Review

Alexis Little

Prose & Poetry Reader, Volition

Abner Herbas

Sports Broadcasting

Congratulations to all Class of 2022 Graduates!