Student Media

Local Band Electric Heart to Play Journal Jam 2017

Based in Sterling, VA, Electric Heart pulls at the strings of music lovers everywhere. The duo consists of Padi Goudarzi and Sean Ghosh, two childhood friends who mix soul, folk, alternative, and indie into their own distinct genre.

Almost a capella, Ghosh adds to the soulful vocals by switching it up with some raspy guitar, wispy and acoustic at its finest. Much of their music is rooted in optimism, very much alike the works of local artists Cinema Hearts and Nemes. Sometimes a guitar and a voice or two is all you need, and they show listeners the endless possibilities of music, simplified and amplified. Electric Heart duets with passionate melodies, wagging instrumentals, and a la-dee-da energy that goes beyond the typical Kumbaya vibes.

Electric Heart will be playing their first-ever Mason gig at Student Media’s Journal Jam, on Thursday, April 6th at 7:00pm in the JC Bistro. Saxophonist Devin Beard will be sitting in on the live set.

Click here to learn more about Journal Jam 2017.

WGMU’s own Jackie Reed, host of Jammin’ with Jackie (Mondays & Wednesdays at noon), interviewed Electric Heart to learn more about the duo’s origins, musical style, and what excites them most about Journal Jam 2017. Listen to full audio of Jackie’s interview and a few original tracks online at

Follow Electric Heart on Facebook for news, updates, and upcoming performances. Check out their brand new Be Alive EP (2017) on Spotify, iTunes, and Bandcamp.

Mason Cable News Debuts New Set Design

After many months of planning and anticipation, Mason Cable News was thrilled to debut a brand new set last Wednesday, February 22 during their weekly MCNews live broadcast. The set was was created by Leonard Orange from Richmond, VA who is a history teacher at Hermitage High School and director of Herm TV. Prior to becoming a history teacher, Orange worked at a local news station in Richmond, VA and has a background in media production and set design.

MCNews Director Airelle Thornhill spearheaded the set redesign project and had this to say upon the successful completion: “This set was a year-long passion project, and we’re excited for the new advancements and opportunities this will provide the Mason Cable Network and the Mason Cable News family.”

Check out new episodes from Mason Cable Network online:

Happy Homecoming – Go Patriots!