Student Media

Freshman Focus 2017 is Now Available!

Welcome to Mason, Class of 2021! Student Media is proud to present the latest issue of Freshman Focus, the only campus magazine for freshmen, by freshmen. This unique publication is packed with first-person stories from last year’s freshman class, as well as tips and tricks for adjusting to your new life at Mason. Our goal is to help you make the most of your first year at college, so hopefully you (and your family) will enjoy learning about all the exciting opportunities available to you as a Mason Patriot.

Here is a brief excerpt from Freshman Focus Editor-in-Chief, Albert J. Blomberg’s welcome letter to the incoming freshman class:

“You are getting ready to embark on one of the most exciting and eventful chapters in your life. Here you will have the opportunity to meet new friends from across the world and immerse yourself in all that the campus and surrounding area has to offer. Right now you may feel uneasy during this transition, but trust me you will soon feel at home. We hope that Freshman Focus can help ease your worries and provide a smooth transition to your new chapter here at Mason.”

All incoming freshmen will receive a copy during Summer Orientation sessions. If you would like to request additional print copies, please email

Click here to read the 2017 issue of Freshman Focus online.